Chairman’s Charity Quiz Evening and Supper
Hosted by the
Chairman of East Lindsey District Council,
Councillor Stuart Watson
On Friday 3 March 2017 at 7.00pm
At The Pavilion, London Road, Louth, Lincs., LN11 9QP
Tickets £8.00 per person inclusive of quiz entry and a light supper
Teams of up to a maximum of 8 people,
Bar available
All proceeds to be donated to the Chairman’s Charities; Candles Cancer Charity and the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund.
Chains may be worn
Donations for Raffle Prizes gratefully received
RSVP by 24 February 2017
Please state the number of tickets you require:
Number of tickets required
Tickets must be paid for in advance
Please state if you have any special dietary requirements:
I enclose a cheque in payment to:
‘East Lindsey District Council, Chairman’s Charity’
for £
Please return to Ann Good, Room 108, East Lindsey District Council, Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth, Lincs., LN11 8UP or
email: [email protected]
I am paying by via Internet Banking
please pay to:
East Lindsey District Council Receipts Account, quoting ‘Quiz & your name’
Barclays Bank plc: Sort Code -20-52-78
Account number - 50348481