During the debate earlier today Victoria branded Trump’s policy to close the US borders if he is elected President “bonkers”.
She continued “If he met one or two of my constituents in one of the many excellent pubs in my constituency then they may well tell him he is a wassock for dealing with this issue in this way.”
Victoria was clear, however, that the most effective method of challenging his divisive and deeply unpleasant message, is not to ban Trump from expressing his views but instead to rebut them.
Victoria said,
“The freedom of speech must mean that sometimes we are going to be offended.
It means allowing those whose views we hold to be unedifying to speak their minds.
And it also, crucially, means the freedom to reply –to say, “No, Donald Trump, you are wrong and you are wrong for the following reasons”
That freedom was hard-won over centuries and must be defended jealously because it goes to the very essence of democracy and the rule of law.”
For the full text of Victoria’s speech or further media enquiries please email:
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